Trying Again World!

Hello World!

My grandson Charlie tells me blogs are how the world communicates now. He’s a smart boy and set this up for me. It’s a strange thing to share my thoughts with strangers. I don’t share my diary, but I want you to all know about Belfort Island, my home, so I will give this a try.

Belfort is in Penobscot Bay. We have about a thousand year-round residents. In the high season, the number doubles. Some of the summer folk stick around until winter really sets in, but most leave with the leaves. Did you know I used to fancy myself a writer? I thought I’d get a job with the Bangor Daily Mail, but I met my Jimmy and moved to Belfort instead. Oh, I should tell you my people are from Ellsworth, not Belfort.

I digress.

The island connects to the mainland by the Edwin Thompson bridge. Most people don’t call it that. They just call it ‘the bridge’ or Route 41. I think it’s important to know who came before us, though, so I always call it by its given name.

The Thompsons are one of our founding families. The Sewells, the family I married into, have been here almost as long. I’m boring you though, aren’t I?

There’s so much I want to tell you about my island home. Frankie, my youngest grandson, says I should keep my posts short or they’ll bore you.

Goodbye for now!

Clara Sewell

(Publisher’s note: Clara Sewell is a minor character in the Belfort Island novels. She will be “writing” the blog posts for Double J Press at the moment.)